Are we done with hashtags?

Have we reached the end of the line when it comes to hashtags? Yes? No? Probably not. As with all things social media, there’s not a completely straightforward answer, but here goes. Here are a few thoughts from us on the subject. 👇🏼

Quality not Quantity ✔️

It can be tempting to try and max out your hashtags and cram in as many as you can in a post. The more you use, the more likely you are to get engagement, right? Wrong.

The algorithm doesn’t like it, sorry! For accounts with under 10k followers, aim for 5-10 hashtags at the most. Over 10k followers? You really don’t need more than a couple of hashtags.

Niche is nice #️

Be as specific as you can. If you’re promoting a conference in Germany and use the hashtag #Berlin your content is going to get lost in the thousands of posts already using that tag. Instead, use the full name of your event, so you can collate content and help people find you easily.

Engage with trending tags 🔝

Keep on top of industry news and events, and when something starts trending that’s relevant to you, jump on it! It will show your audience you’re working in real-time and reacting quickly to the ever-changing social media landscape around you.

Embrace the analytics 📈

One of the biggest benefits of using hashtags is being able to measure your engagement. Head to ‘Insights’ on your Instagram page to see how many impressions your hashtags have generated, and use social media tools like Ingrammer and Flick to help develop new ones based on your results.

Got any intel on the future of hashtags? Tell us more in the comments below! 💬


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Q&A with our Talent Officer, Caroline!