3 easy steps to get the best out of content marketing for events

Do you ever feel like you’re struggling to know what to do with your content marketing pieces? You’ve interviewed a speaker ahead of the event, asked those burning questions you think your potential delegates will want to know (which might encourage them to book!) and now you have a lot of content you’re not sure what to do with.

You need these 3 steps in order to get the best out of your content marketing strategy.

1) Don’t use content marketing to try to sell a product or service. It’s purpose is to educate, give insight and help the reader better themselves. Use the most interesting quotes on social or create shorter 20 second snippets using video footage that will encourage the reader to click through to the full interview.

2) Be relevant. Take time to tailor your messaging depending on your audience type. If you’ve interviewed a speaker what they’ve said in one section of the interview might be more compelling to different groups from the same industry (eg: CEO’s vs Heads of). You can segment your audience groups across your email marketing campaigns and make sure you’re speaking to the right person with the right message.

3) Encourage your speakers and event stakeholders to share the content. Make sure your content is hosted on your event microsite and looks appealing to read. People won’t want to take time to read the article if it doesn’t look engaging when they get there. Once ready share it with all the speakers - they are likely to have large, relevant audiences that see them as a trusted industry spokesperson which will drive traffic back to your event website.

Being able to implement a successful content strategy is crucial to hitting those delegate revenue figures and delivering the right audience to the client. Unite helps event management companies struggling to implement strategic content marketing strategies across their events.

Do you take care of the event marketing or do you outsource? We’d love to hear what you think.


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