3 steps to a consistent messaging strategy

A marketer needs to have a deep understanding of an event’s identity and the value it delivers to customers. Ensuring your marketing has a compelling USP, differentiated value proposition and consistent messaging strategy is a winning key to success. 

In this post, we look at 3 steps to ensuring you have a consistent messaging strategy and can speak to potential customers confidently and with speed.

1. Do the leg work.  

Messaging across all channels should be based on persona motivations, USPs & benefits. Get this right upfront to make sure you know who you are targeting and why they might be interested in attending the event.

2. Stick to a template. 

To make things quick and easy for everyone involved use a template document so copy can be reviewed and signed off quickly, viewed visually in one place, and scheduled. 

3. Improve and refine.

Your messaging won’t always hit the mark the first time. Make sure you spent time analysing what’s worked and developing your copy as the campaign progresses. 

By following the three steps above you ensure messaging is fresh but harmonious, you make targets attainable by having a structured plan and you ensure content is engaging for your intended audience.

If you have any further thoughts on messaging strategy, let us know below, we’d love to hear from you.

Photo by mali maeder from Pexels


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