How to deliver the perfect online event
Hosting an online event? Here’s how to keep your audience engaged.
We’ve supported all sorts of online experiences and here’s what we’ve learnt:
1. Pick your date and time carefully
Think about how long your event needs to be and how this fits with people’s weeks. An all-day conference? Start and finish early, towards the beginning of the week. A celebration with fun speakers, workshops and chat? This feels like an afternoon session, nearer the weekend. Don’t forget to consider time differences if international!
2. Share the outline
People feel comfortable when they know what to expect. Circulate the agenda/itinerary ahead of time.
3. Check your techs
Do a test run and make sure you know how to do things like create breakout rooms, share screens, and ‘mute all’. A sloppy set up is an instant turn-off (literally).
4. Encourage participation
Ask people to use the reaction tools, ask questions in the comment box or raise their hand if they want to speak. And make sure you respond to them if they do.
5. Use breakout rooms
If it fits with your event, breakout rooms are a great way for audiences to engage with speakers on a more personal level. People are likely to feel more comfortable starting convo’s in smaller groups.
6. Lights, camera, action - or not
Tell your audience it’s fine for them to switch cameras off. People will feel less self-conscious and that attention can be redirected back to the speaker.
7. Schedule lots of breaks
Hourly 10 minute breaks throughout your event, as well as longer ones mid-morning and at lunch. Your eyes need frequent breaks from the screen.
8. Mini tasks
Simple, fun tasks for your audience throughout. If you give them the head’s up that you’d love to hear their ideas on X later, they’ll have it in their minds and be more engaged.
9. But don’t put them under pressure
Don’t fire unexpected questions. As soon as one person starts to squirm the whole audience will feel uncomfortable.
10. Enjoy yourself!
Even over Zoom, it’s easy for people to pick up on negative vibes. If you’re stressed, unprepared or seem bored, you’ll lose your audience, remember that!