Should the cost of living crisis scare you into staying put or stop you from hiring?
It's the one thing everyone is talking about, being affected by and dreading the long term effects of...the cost of living crisis, which has hit the majority of us hard!
In a time when there is so much uncertainty, is leaving the role you have carried out for years or even decades the right thing to do? Is moving jobs and your career path simply a luxury when things are tough? Does your business want the added risk and expense? All these questions have a simple solution...
...movement in the job market!
Now is a great time to look for something that really works for you. Following the post-pandemic comeback, there has been a shift - a work life balance is now a necessity not a nice to have. The offer of development and progression that all businesses need to attract staff has become more of a necessity now than ever. Times have changed and are still changing and employers know that it isn't just financial reward that drives people to move on and as very little is ever future proof, why wait? Now is the time that employers need specialist expertise - they need driven, career hungry candidates as this is what will carry the business through and weather the storm.
Employers are in the midst of an employee driven market, the demands are high and perhaps in some areas the skills aren't quite where they need to be, but a happy employee is a conscientious employee - they are going to work hard and feel invested. A recruitment freeze says a lot about a business as it shouts uncertainty to the current employees, which could lead to a mass exodus and that's never good for business as it can put a halt on progress, which is not great in such a competitive world.
If you are hungry for a new challenge or want to get on the next rung of the ladder, don't wait for the crisis to end - use it to your advantage.
If you want to be sure your business will thrive, not dive, ensure you have the best people. Don't stop recruiting because your position isn't clear, recruit for that very reason. Your people are your power.
Get in touch if you are looking for your next opportunity or need help in finding the talent that will carry you through the crisis. You can send us an email at or directly DM us!