What is simulive?

One of the big changes we’ll start to see in 2021 is more use of simulive content. As we continue on our virtual journey delivery will become slicker which will partly be thanks to simulive.

For those of you that haven’t heard of it before, simulive is an amalgamation of a pre-recorded webinar and a live interaction (simulated+live = simulive) and means speakers can record a video or a presentation in advance of their webinar broadcast date, while still getting to interact with the audience live on the day.

What are the pros?

Flexibility - you can still enjoy the interactivity of a live webinar, but without the added stress of presenting a live event. Trouble getting that speaker to commit to a certain time? Or issues getting multiple speakers together for one session? With simulive content can be pre record with the host or you can pre record each speaker and edit them together.

The audience has no way to discern if the presentation they are seeing and hearing was previously recorded. Sessions can then finish off with a live question/discussion.

Quality - Pre recording a session gives the presenter and speakers the opportunity to nail the content, edit out any mistakes and ensure they stick to timings.

Ready to market - It's common for simulive webinars to be re-run, or recycled up to 5 times. This allows marketers to maximise the number of leads generated from a single source of content and drastically improve the ROI on webinars. Marketers also have the chance to pre watch the content so can prepare any social edits to share or ‘live’ tweets in advance.

And the cons?

Interaction - There is obviously less interaction with the audience throughout the session (if required)

Less personal - With all the mistakes edited out the finished piece may lack some personality. Viewers prefer dealing with real people who make mistakes and may have occasional slips of the tongue. To avoid this issue, you could let small imperfections seep through in your pre record.

Simulive definitely has it's plus points. And we can see big events with plenty of speakers making more use of this function, especially while events stay virtual and remote. It also helps remove the awkwardness of the interruptions we see on video conferences all the time. If you want to learn more about simulive and how we can help you incorporate it into your next event, get in touch.

Photo by Julia M Cameron from Pexels.


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